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DEC. 2002





真烏賊的僵直度及其魚漿成膠性之熱分析研究   陳莉臻 龔鳴盛

Study on Rigor Mortis Progress and Gel Formation of Sepia esculenta Hoyle by Differential Scanning Calorimetry   Li-Chen Chen Ming-Sheng Kong



不同的遮陰處理對麗莎蕨、蔓綠絨和斑蜘蛛抱蛋生長之影響    黃秀真

Effects of Different Shading on Growth of Leatherleaf fernPhilodendron and Aspidistra veriegata   Hsiu-Jane Huang



金柑稀釋果汁加工與原汁貯藏品質之研究   石正中

Processing of Dilute Kumquat Juice and Storage Quality of Fresh Kumquat Juice (Fortunella margerita L.)    Jeng-jung Shyr



SDS-凝膠電泳檢測羊乳中摻雜牛乳之研究   曹博宏  林世斌  吳輔

Detection of Cow Milk in Goat Milk by SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis   Po-Hung Tsao Shih-Bin Lin Fu-Yu Wu



利用混合酸製備N-醯幾丁寡醣之探討    駱錫能 陳翠瑤 邱群惠 古遠 曾欽盟 黃家駿

Approach with an Acid Mixture for Preparation of N-acetylchitooligosaccharides   

Shyi-Neng Lou Tsui-Yao Chen Chun-Hui Chiu Yuan-Feng Ku Chin-Meng Tseng Chia-Chun Huang



三種殺蟎劑對蜂蟹蟎的防治效果    陳裕文 陳盈 陳信鈞

Control Effects of Three Miticides on Varroa mites   Yue-Wen Chen Ying-Yu Chen Xin-Jun Chen



穀物乾燥中心之網路監控技術    楊江益 吳柏青

Internet Monitor and Control System for Grain Drying Center   Chiang-Yi yang  Po-Ching Wu




低溫對收後月華苦瓜果實之影響    郭純德 蔡平里

Effect of Low Temperature on Postharvest Fruit in Bitter GourdMomordica charantia L.,cv. Moon Shine   Chun-Teh Kuo Ping-Lie Tsai



不同烹調條件對魚魚油中脂肪酸的影響    邱一鳴 駱錫能

Effects of Cooking Methods on the Stability of Mackerel Oils   E-Mean Chiu Shyi-Neng Lou



大型連續式農產廢棄物高速醱酵系統之研發與評估   吳柏青 陳錫金 林榮信

Development and Evaluation of Large Scale, High Speed, Continuing Composting System for Agricultural Waste Materials   Po-Ching Wu Hsi-Jien Chen Rong-Shinn Lin



省產糙薏仁膨發產品的沖泡性質研究    須文宏 黃俊儒

Research in Pouring Capability of Puffing Crude Adlay Products   Wen-Hung Hsu Jin-Ru Huang



豬環狀病毒第二型ORF1ORF2ORF3基因重組蛋白的表現及純化    郭村勇 陳裕森 高志賢 吳家霖 于婷 賴秀穗

Expression and Purification the Recombinant Proteins of Porcine Circovirus Type2 ORF1, ORF2 and ORF3   

Tsun-Yung Kuo Yu-San Chen Zu-Shan Cau Ga-Lin Wu Yu-Ting Su Shiow-Suey Lai



金針罐頭食品之研發    陳淑德 李奇珍 謝瓊慧 趙雪惠 林巧惠

Day-Lily Canned Food Development    Su-Der Chen Chi-Chen Li  Chiung-Hui Hsieh  Hsiieh-Huey Chao  Cheau-Huey Lin



利用浸泡處理以降低乾金針之二氧化硫殘留量    陳淑德 張正昇

Reducing Sulfur Dioxide Residue of Dry Day-Lily Product by Soaking   Su-Der Chen Jenq-Sheng Chang



進氣速率對真魚肉經通氣漂洗後色澤及凝膠能力之影響     陳輝煌 陳莉臻 林世斌

The Effect of Air Flow Rate on the Color and Gel Forming Ability in Horse Mackerel with Air-flotation Washing   Hui-Huang Chen Li-Chen Chen Shih-Bin Lin



單一菌種在不同原料釀造酒之風味表現     張慶如

The Wine Making Materials and the Properties of Wines   Audrey Chingzu Chang



不同糖化菌種在玉米釀造酒中風味之影響    張慶如

The Influences of Saccharifying Microorganisms on the Properties of Maize Wines   Audrey Chingzu Chang



大礁溪實驗林場木棲性細菌之初探    林亞立 王俐

A Primary Survey on the Wood-Inhabiting Bacteria collected from the Experimental Forest of the National I-Lan Institute of Technolongy   Ya-Lin Lin Li-Yun Wang



宜蘭縣無尾港水鳥保護區之植群調查    陳子英 俞秋豐 智群 戚永

Investigation on the Vegetation of Wuwei Harbor Waterbird Refuge   Tze-Ying Chen Chiou-feng Yu Jyh-Ching Lee Yeong-Nain Chi



木理傾斜角及含水率對木材壓縮強度之影響    卓志隆

Effects of Grain Angle and Moisture Content on the Compressive Strength of Wood   Chih-Lung Cho



宜蘭地區消費者對組合家具觀點之探討    張錫鈞

A Study on the viewpoint of the RTA Furniture in I-Lan Consumers   Shyi-Jiun Chang



臺灣東部老樹評比暨活力調查研究    呂坤旺 周中華 鍾宜君 王兆桓

Old Trees Grading and Vigor Investigation in Eastern Taiwan   Kuen-wang Lu Chung-hwa Chou Yi-jiun Jong Chao-huan Wang



柚市場調查與分析    林豐政 陳凱俐 吳中峻

A Survey and Analysis of the Wentan Pomelo Market   Feng-Jenq Lin Kai-Lih Chen Chung-Chun Wu



宜蘭縣南部海岸植群調查    陳子英 楊暄慧

Study on Southern Ilan county costal vegetation   Tze-Ying Chen Xyu-huei Yang



棲蘭山170林道檜木之植群調查    陳子英 許秀英 吳欣玲

Study on the Chamaecyparis forest of 170 roads of Chilan Shan   Tze-Ying Chen Hsiu-Ying Hsu Shin-Lin Wu



鉻化砷酸銅防腐劑在電桿材中之分佈    林亞立

The Distribution of Chromated Copper Arsenate Preservative in Utility Poles          Ya-Lih Lin



豬卵培養於含內素之體外成熟培養液時對卵母細胞之成熟、受精與胚發育能力的影響    林育安 謝來安 陳銘正 林佳靜

Effects of The Exposure Duration of Hormonal Supplements on Maturation of Porcine Oocyte and Their Subsequent Fertilizing and Developmental Competence In Vitro   

Yu-An Lin Lai-An Hsieh Ming-Cheng Chen Chai-Ching Lin



蜂蜜酒及蜂蜜釀製用酵母菌及醋酸篩選之初步研究    林世斌 陳莉臻 陳裕文

The Preliminary Study for the Selection of Yeasts and Acetobacters in Brewing Mead and Honey Vinegar   Shih-Bin Lin Li-Chen Chen Yue-Wen Chen



當歸組培地上部的光暗生長效應    高建元 謝勤宣 陳宜寧

Effect of Light on Ligustilide and Butylidene Phthalide Production by Angelica acutiloba K. Rootless Plants   Chien-Yuan Kao Chin-Shiuan Shieh I-Ning Chen



具冬瓜茶風味之冬瓜泥製程與應用探討    馮臨惠 黃俊儒 須文宏

Study on Processing and Application of Wax Gourd Puree   Lin-Huei A. Ferng Jin-Ru Huang Wen-Hung Hsu



宜蘭縣學校午餐熱量來源及使用水產品情形調查    保愛貞 陳輝煌 馮臨惠 陳翠瑤

Energy sources and Seafood Products Using in School Lunch of Ilan County   Ai-Chen Pao Hui-Huang Chen Lin-Huey Ferng Tsui-Yao Chen



環境的溫度與水活性對蜂蜜、花粉及蜂王乳保存性之影響     張慶如 林育安

Influences of Environment Temperature and Water Activity on Honey, Pollen and Royal Jelly Storage Stability   Audrey Chingzu Chang  Yu-An Lin



加工處理對十字花科蔬菜抗氧化性之影響    翁瑞光 詹清貴 丁美雪

Effect of Processing Conditions on Antioxidative Activities of some Cruciferous Vegetables   Ray-Guang Wong Ching-Kuel Chan May-Shale Ding



量與磨粉時間對批式乾磨精白米粉物性之影響    黃俊儒 須文宏 邱詩揚

Effects of rice feeding amount and milling period on physical properties of milled rice powder during the batch dry milling process   

Jin-Ru Haung Wen-Hung Hsu Shy-Yang Chiou



洋香瓜、甘藍及番茄穴盤育苗葉面施肥試驗    江婉柔 陳照琳 陳雅汶 羅世邦 劉孔生

Foliar Fertilization on MuskmelonCabbage and Tomato of Plugging Seedling   Uan-riou Jiang Zhao-lin Cheng Ia-uin Ching Sh-biang Luo Kong-sheng Liu


